Monday 7 November 2011

Pause at the checkout

"Nice Pants Love"

Is what I hope someone might say to me if they could see these zigzag wonders sashaying down the street. 

Here is a glimpse into my shopping bag at the H&M checkout. They have a GREAT sale on at the moment, although I have to say the strongest areas are the lingerie/nightwear and accessories. The clothes...mmmyuh....not sa much. H&M is one of those places where you only seem to want to new season and not the old stuff (so fickle is cheap and fast fashion). I tried on this bra/pants set in the summer but never got round to purchasing it so now that all of these together are under a tenner....there is no time like the present. Love it when a plan comes together. You will notice tribal references throughout...such is my devotion to Tribnic...which is a way of life. tadaaa lovies

shop here at

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